Conditions Treated

Hip Pain Treatment & Information

  • Post-surgery Rehab
  • Difficulty Walking
  • Hip Replacement
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Hip & Thigh Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Osteoarthritis of The Hip
  • Trochanteric Bursitis
  • Sprain / Strain
Post-surgery Rehab

Hip injuries are one of the most common orthopedic problems, yet they also have a high chance of complications. A broken bone takes more than just injured tissue to heal; it needs to surround soft organs as well so that everything can reconnect properly after healing is complete.

After surgery due to low mobility and strength loss near your hip joint, which makes walking difficult or even impossible post-op if there has been significant damage done on either side of this area because you will be relying heavily upon improper form while using those joints instead where pain should not exist but rather an only discomfort when moving certain ways like stairs etc.

How does physical therapy help?

Hip surgery is an emotional and complicated time for you, your family members, or your loved ones. The physical therapist staff at our clinic wants to make sure that every step of the rehabilitation process after hip replacement goes as smoothly as possible to minimize any complications resulting from this life-changing event.

We offer comprehensive programs designed just for those who have undergone general orthopedic surgeries, such as advertisers.

Difficulty Walking

One thing we don't understand is walking - it takes around 12 months as a baby before they can even walk, and this skill continues developing throughout life! Walking requires balance and coordination between your joints, including those in the spine or hip-quarter area (proprioception) each movement feels natural rather than forced; Strength is an important part too, but flexibility will mainly help you maintain an upright posture without constantly adjusting yourself midstep due to tight muscles elsewhere on.

Walking then is a complex task that requires excellent balance, movement, knowledge, and muscle strength. Proprioception is the ability to know where your joints are, which lets you find the most efficient way of moving while walking and keeping good form. If someone has lost their sense of how they should be moving due to an injury or other factors such as age, it could point to problems in the knees, hips, or lower back.

Since changes in posture can also be responsible for walking patterns, any abnormal stress or strain is transferred to other areas. For example, if you have knee pain when your stride becomes uneven due to an injury, then not only would this impact one side of your body, but all parts now take double the weight causing even more problems down the line.

How does physical therapy help?

Physical therapists are experts at helping people walk normally again. This involves an evaluation of your range of motion, strength, and walking patterns to discover why you're not able to go on your feet as before; We will create a treatment plan that addresses these concerns through coordination between physical therapy treatments like deep muscle massage or braces fitted for Balance/ coordination relearning exercises.

The ultimate goal? Regain capability so high it's almost unbelievable: being free from needing any assistive devices while strolling around town. Contact us today so we can help you!

Hip Replacement

The hip is an esscential part of our bodies. It allows us to move efficiently throughout the day, but it also protects against injuries by providing stability and pain relief with a healthy space for movement inside your body's joint- called "the socket."

The head/femoral (hip) socket serves two main functions: first, it prevents pieces from moving around within you; second, this area provides cushioning when walking or running on hard surfaces like pavement which helps prevent additional stress placed upon other joints in muscles supporting those.

The key to getting through a major surgery like joint replacement is ensuring you take care of yourself beforehand. Which includes resting as much as possible and having physical therapy. Healing is a long process, but it doesn't have to stop you from moving on with your life!

How does physical therapy help?

After your surgery, we will work to get you back on track as soon as possible by coordinating a thorough rehabilitation program. You can start physical therapy in the hospital and continue it at our office once discharged from there!

We know that after surgery, your body may be in pain. You're probably wondering if physical therapy can help with the healing process and get you back on track to resume most normal activities pain-free.

Our post-surgical program will work hard to help you strengthen muscles around the hips, so they aren’t as susceptible when it comes time for rehabilitation following an operation like this one.

We also provide individualized treatment plans based on what patients need during their recoveries - whether it's providing support where needed or teaching new techniques related specifically to balance while walking again respectively.

Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis muscle can cause pain in the buttocks and radiate down your leg. This is because it lies deep to where you sit, which puts pressure on top of an already crowded nerve that leads into our knee or ankle joints- sciatica!

The more severe symptoms are usually caused by trauma--such as sitting too much time without moving around (or even just standing).

How does physical therapy help?

With physical therapy, you can get your life back! We will analyze the range of motion in terms of hip movement, muscle function, and walking behavior. Our specialists help relieve pain by restoring lost mobility through hands-on treatment with specific exercises that are easy to do at home or when traveling--whether it's on vacation abroad, all reconvene where we live now.

A healthy lifestyle starts here, so don't wait any longer before calling us about preventing reoccurrences due to piriform.

Hip & Thigh Pain

The hip joint is incredible as it moves through a large range of motion while bearing the weight and providing stability. Pain in this area typically stems from a limited movement which causes abnormal pressures on muscles or tendons causing radiating pain down into your leg in addition to being felt deep within groins/hips outer hips.

The hips are quite important for a healthy back. When we don't move as we should, the regular forces of walking and squatting transfer over to supporting your spine instead with just enough weight distributed evenly through each footstep or bend it in order not to strain any particular area too much while staying mobile at all times!

How does physical therapy help?

We all experience pain, but it's relevant to know the difference between dull aches and sharp shooting pains. Stiff can be a sign that something is wrong with your spine or muscles, while dull means you need physical therapy from your hip replacement surgery.

Our team will help you improve movement to reduce discomfort by assessing the range of motion through strength analysis as well as joint mobility enhancements, which allow us to take care of what needs attention right away before problems get worse--allowing much less stress on joints over long periods without risk.


Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve, travels deep in your buttock and down to some distant territory but still has an important impact in hip movement. In about 20% of people, this particular passage will pierce through one's Piriformis muscle instead underneath it--this can lead them to have pain when sitting for long periods due to tightness caused by a hypermobile disorder (hamstring strain).

How does physical therapy help?

The physical therapists at our clinic will take time to examine the movement of your spine, hips, and legs. Our evaluation includes an assessment of the range of motion, as well as strength or joint mobility in order to find out where you're experiencing pain that can be relieved with therapeutic exercises tailored specifically for each patient's needs!

When we determine the root cause of your pain, it's just a matter of time before you feel relief. We'll work with all three levels to quickly relieve any radiating symptoms and improve movement for you not only to live but thrive!

We're here to help you get back on your feet! If sciatica is preventing any activities, then it's time for some relief. Our specialized hands-on techniques will reduce the pressure around nerves and muscles while heat therapy may be used in addition to electrical stimulation or ultrasound treatment if necessary - all resulting in lasting effects that stop pain from returning once again so call us today before these symptoms become chronic.

Osteoarthritis of The Hip

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that allows the body to move efficiently. In osteoarthritis, which affects about one out of every seven people over 50 years old and continues after retirement due to its constant wear on muscles over time caused by normal activity such as sit-to-stand walking etc., there becomes stiffer cartilage lining this important connection point between leg bones resulting in pain when moving around or even just sitting still for too long.

Physical therapy is an important part of the recovery process for people who have had hip replacements. In most cases, physical therapists can help to alleviate some pain and discomfort by helping move your body parts better than they were before you got sick or injured!

How does physical therapy help?

The pain associated with osteoarthritis of the hip comes from inflammation in and around a joint. The wear-and-tear on muscles, tendons, ligaments, or tissues caused by this condition can lead to the tightness that limits movement even more so than before it began! In addition, you may experience weakness when sitting due to your buttock firmness going downhill since there isn't enough strength applied through rotator cuff injuries - all leading up towards concluding at one point something has got veto gives.

We know that hip pain can be an unbearable burden. The good news is it doesn't have to stay this way. With our hands-on therapy and specialized exercises, you'll soon be able to find your range of motion improving in all areas - not just where there's a problem area. Neighboring joints might not be working properly either, but we pinpoint specific needs before anything else happens so they get attention first. This means sooner relief without having any complications along the road.

Trochanteric Bursitis

The ending of the word "itis" is inflammation. Therefore, bursitis means an infection that occurs in a sac-like structure called a bursa which sits between muscles or tissues to cushion and reduce friction on contact points; there are many types including hip (trochanteric), knee (iliotibial), thumb, wrist, ipsilateral, half palm spanner, metacarpophalangeal joints, along with other minor ones.

The bursa is a small sac that can inflate due to abnormal joint movements, poor posture, and weakness of the surrounding musculature. This causes strain on tissues causing excessive friction which irritates people by feeling pain with prolonged walking or standing up straight for an extended period.

How does physical therapy help?

To manage the pain of trochanteric bursitis, physical therapy is a must. Our therapists will evaluate your movement and pinpoint what's causing it to occur for us to provide treatment that can alleviate this discomfort while improving joint mechanics or range of motion with hands-on work directly from our office!

Hip bursitis is no fun, but luckily there are ways to make it more manageable. It starts with gentle strengthening exercises and joint coordination training which help restore stability in the area damaged by inflammation so that you can prevent reoccurrences of symptoms again!

Sprain / Strain

Sprains refer to injuries of the ligaments (connect bone to bone) and strains refer to injuries of the muscles or tendons (connect muscle to bone). Sprains and strains occur from quick over-stretching of the tissues causing micro-tearing and subsequent injury. Swelling begins as part of the inflammation process, causing pain and difficulty with movement.

The first step in treating sprains or strains is to rest, ice, and elevate them. With severe limitations on movement, you should see your physical therapist immediately so they can determine what type of injury has occurred-from mildest cases where there's just discomfort up to complete tearing which may require surgical repair!

How does physical therapy help?

The human shoulder is the most complex joint in our bodies. It has to move through more than 180 degrees of motion, rotate and spin while also sliding along a variety of planes at once! The muscles that create these movements ensure stability for every day activities by working with each other intricately without ever missing their mark.

Physical therapy is a vital part of the healing process for many people. We help those who have experienced injuries or other conditions, such as arthritis trouble with movement and strength due to sprains/strains which can cause pain when performing everyday tasks like washing one's hands. -or even more so if you're active.

Our goal would be to restore your normal range of motion while also restoring normal muscle function--so that future visits won't require us to need this expertise anymore; we want every patient to walk away feeling better than before they came into our clinic today!