Conditions Treated

Back Pain Treatment & Information

  • Sprain / Strain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Mid Back Pain
  • Sciatica and Radiating Pain
  • Spinal Arthritis & Stenosis
  • Herniated or Bulging Disc
  • Osteoporosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Degenerative Diseases
  • Compression Fractures
  • Post-surgery Rehab
Sprain / Strain

The spine is a series of delicate bones and muscles that work together to allow for movement; when these intricate structures get injured, they can be susceptible. A sprain refers specifically to an overstretching injury where there has been some sort of force applied hence the term "sprained." Strains happen without any external forces being used but instead, come from excessive pulling or pushing actions within one's own body which causes micro-tears in their muscle fibers leading up until finally causing them harm after long usage periods.

Although it may seem like a good idea to twist while lifting, the majority of people who do so end up spraining or straining their back. To avoid this injury try bending at your knees and keeping an even more vertical posture with straight arms by using legs instead if necessary for leverage when picking something up off ground level; otherwise, let go before strain gets too high!

Tearing of tissues occurs during a sprain or strain. While this often isn't a full-on complete tear, the resulting damage can cause significant swelling and pain to occur deep in your backside! typical healing times may take at least 6 weeks for total recovery.

How physical therapy helps

Physical therapy is essential for the successful rehabilitation of a back injury. Early treatment ensures that you receive only restrictive care and physical therapy, which will help reduce inflammation in your spine while increasing mobility at other sites along its length - all without risks associated with surgery or unnecessary motion exercises!

If you're in pain, it's important to get treatment. Our therapists work with your body and will help release any restricted areas so that the healing process can begin! You should also strengthen key muscles around one’s back - otherwise, they may re-injure themselves when trying new activities or positions after an injury has occurred. Completing full courses of therapy is crucial for avoiding future complications due to lackadaisical attitudes towards their health during rehabilitation sessions.

Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a condition that affects the spine and can happen for many reasons. It's been reported to affect 80% of people at some point in their lifetime! The most common causes include: -Incomplete range or mobility in one or more joints between your hips (knee) and shoulders; this is likely due to poor strength when performing certain tasks like lifting weights overhead because you need both arms involved.

Low back pain is a serious issue that can be caused by the 3 factors above. When your spinal joints and muscles do not move properly, tremendous strain occurs in your low back which causes irritation/infiltration leading to inflammation over time. You will typically experience more discomfort after sitting or lying down for prolonged periods such as getting up from a chair first thing each morning when sleeping though this doesn't mean it's necessarily something wrong with either structure or function - rather just improper use. With severe pain, reaching or bending down for objects can be limited.

When standing or walking for long periods of time, it is not just your feet that take the beating. The low back also gets hurt because there are muscle weaknesses in this area which make you more susceptible to injury when bending down and reaching forward with everyday tasks like tying one's shoes!

How physical therapy helps

Physical therapy is the best way to get back into normal movement and strength after a low-back injury. Our physical therapists focus on everything from your posture, spinal mobility (the way you move around), flexibility or Tests of Strength & Flexibility as well as how efficiently we can use our energy through body mechanics - all three major areas related to preventing chronic pain!

We know how it feels to be in pain. But we also want you to get back to doing what makes your life worth living again-and that including staying active! Our team understands the risks associated with low back injuries, so they'll work hard on finding out exactly where things are going wrong--and then do everything possible for fast relief from spine problems without sacrificing quality of life or long term health considerations.

Mid Back Pain

The mid-back pain can be for a variety of reasons but typically occurs from poor posture or forward slouched postures. With this position, your back muscles stretch out and become weak causing you discomfort when carrying heavy items in everyday life This passage discusses how one's musculoskeletal system is compromised by having an improper sitting/laying down routine without taking care of their spine thus explaining why many people suffer from chronic low-grade abdominal ache ( crabs ) due to not properly aligning themselves during certain activities.

Mid-back pain is often difficult to pinpoint because it's located in the midsection. Sometimes, you might feel a burning or shooting sensation there; at other times this area will radiate under your shoulder blade too!

How physical therapy helps

When you come to our physical therapy clinic, we'll work with your mid-back pain and find out what is causing it. We can help improve spinal joint mobility so that strain on other joints above or below the area affected by yours won't be as great; this should make matters much more comfortable for both of those areas!

When you come to our clinic, we'll be able to relieve your mid-back pain quickly and return it gone for good. Our team is here with all the tools necessary in order make this happen!

Sciatica and Radiating Pain

Sciatica is a term used to describe radiating pain into the buttock that can travel down your backside and out of sight. This type of discomfort may be felt like an annoying ache or more severe sharp pains, but it's often accompanied by swelling in these areas too! The cause for this condition varies--in about 20% percent of cases, sciatic nerves run through muscles instead of under them which causes even deeper erosion on sensitive nerve endings leading to greater difficulty moving around freely while at rest. Sitting for long periods of time can irritate the sciatic nerve, which may cause pain in your back. The piriformis muscle helps guide hip movement but becomes very tight with prolonged sitting; this increased tightness causes pressure and inflammation to this important transportation lane running through our spine (the Sciatic Nerve).

When you feel radiating pain in the leg, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is sciatica. However, if your painful muscles and tissue are irritated or compressed then this may be an indication of something wrong with them. Achy type pains often happen as well due in part to irritation anywhere along our backside - including lower parts like near hips/lower thighs on females gender-specific areas where they have more nerve endings available than other locations such sharp shooting sensations which can indicate compression coming from below especially when numbness happens at toes.

How physical therapy helps

We all know how it feels when we have pain in our back or leg. But did you also realize that there are many other types of painful conditions? One such condition is sciatica, which involves nerve damage and inflammation along an area along the spine (sciatica). When this happens to one side over time; they will experience radiating shooting lower-body into their upper thigh/leg areas due to pressure being applied by muscles imbalance elsewhere on your body. We get to the root of your pain and put together an innovative plan that will quickly relieve you from any symptoms, and improve your range of motion while strengthening muscles.

We understand that with spinal cord injuries or other conditions, moving can be extremely difficult. Our physical therapists will work to improve your hip and spine mobility so you're able to do what matters most: live an active life! People who have been injured don't need sympathy; they just want someone on their side to help them get back into shape as soon as possible. We are here to help you get back on your feet! Call us today and let's find out how our treatment can stop the pain from returning. We'll restore normal motion, strengthen muscles that have been weakened by this illness or injury - giving them the time needed for healing--and prevent future episodes of sciatica nerve pinched nerves in both arms as well radiating leg discomfort when walking upstairs

Spinal Arthritis & Stenosis

The low back is one of the most common areas for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The lumbar spine supports our entire body and takes a lot of wear and tear throughout life (especially as we age), plus there are genetic factors that can lead to this condition too! In addition all these contributing causes together make it difficult if not impossible sometimes at least temporarily depending on how much you abuse your poor muscle group over time). The back is a complicated structure with many joints that can wear down and cause discomfort. One of the most common causes for this type of pain in your low back, or other parts on top like hips, etc., are abnormal forces acting against you as they move around throughout each day which makes it very important to maintain good posture at all times!

Many different conditions can affect the spine, one of which is spinal stenosis. Spinal Stenosis refers to a narrowing inlet or canal where the nerves exit out from between overlapping bones called vertebrae and eventually branch off into various other parts of your body such as muscles & skin; this process becomes increasingly difficult when these spaces start getting too small because there isn't enough room for them anymore- leading not only pain but also symptoms like tingling sensations down below!

How physical therapy helps

The physical therapists at our clinic are trained to help those who suffer from spinal arthritis and stenosis. We can restore more natural movement in your joints, improve flexibility so you're able to stretch out all muscles around them while increasing circulation within the spine's system as well educates patients on proper posture techniques for prevention purposes.

The pain you feel every day is a result of spinal stenosis. But with physical therapy, it can be lessened or even eliminated! We offer free consultations so don't hesitate to call us today if this condition has been bothering your well-being since long ago when things were simpler still - talk about going back in time while also experiencing some relief from what used to cause suffering...

Herniated or Bulging Disc

As you age, your discs dry out and become more brittle. In addition to that change in height between the vertebrae decreases which causes changes not only in posture but also a function of these vital jelly-like linings inside our spinal cord! In younger adults, the center of their disc is held in place by many rings that represent a cross-section of the tree trunk. With minor or major injuries to poor posture and strain on these areas they can burst to allow for an outward pressing against it resulting in pain when reaching outer edges where there's been rubbing going off nerve roots exiting your back

The disc can become herniated, which further presses into the spaces where nerves are exiting. Symptoms range from localized pain to numbness or tingling in a specific area of your shoulder arm hands. In more severe cases you may experience a lack of sensation muscle weakness and paralysis in an upper extremity.

The way you stand, move, and lift things can all affect your back. The position of the discs in our bodies changes with every movement we make which is why it's important to be mindful of how these factors contribute to low-back pain!

How physical therapy helps

The good news is that most bulging and herniated discs can be treated conservatively with physical therapy! By working closely alongside your medical history, symptoms, and tests- our highly trained professionals will determine what areas have been affected.

We know that you're in pain. But we can help! Our therapists will work with your body to relieve the pressure on discs by improving joint function, muscle strength, and posture- all while training exercises for good postural habits which reduce the risk of future episodes. Give us a call today so our experts get started removing whatever is causing discomfort right away - no matter what kind or where it's located


Men can also be affected by osteoporosis, but the condition seems to affect more women after 40 years of age. Osteoporosis is a thinning or loss in bone mineral density because our bodies are less able at this point not only to remove calcium from deposit sites on its surface (as occurs during childhood) but also to take it up into bloodstreams for use as needed- which means those who suffer will often display symptoms early on through increased risk Reducing falls among older adults may help prevent fractures later.

It has been shown that people who have osteoporosis are more susceptible to fractures from ordinary activities such as falls or motor vehicle crashes. Often, these individuals will suffer from compression bone breaks in their spine due to the crumbling nature of sought-after bones which can often be prevented through strengthening exercises alongside medication prescribed by physicians skilled enough for this task plus having an active lifestyle fulling utilized including proper nutrition choices.

How physical therapy helps

It's important to strengthen the bones of our body so they can better withstand any potential advances in osteoporosis treatment. Physical therapists are experts at providing a coordinated, easy-to exercise program for people with this condition and restoring them to an optimum state.

Osteoporosis can be a serious and life-threatening condition. But you don't have to let your bone health suffer any longer - talk with one of our osteologists about how we might help get things turned around!


When one spinal bone is not in alignment with the other, it can cause pain to radiate down your low back. This condition called "spondylolisthesis" typically only occurs at vertebrae numbers 4 or 5 - which are also known as lumbar spine levels (backbones). The slip forward happens due either to stretching out ligaments that hold these bones together or possibly even breaking a few pieces of evidence against this problem becoming more severe over time because people who have poor posture and weak abdominal muscles.

Symptoms of a condition called sciatica can be mild or severe. The most common symptom is back pain, which may get worse when you bend over to pick something up off the ground because it becomes more difficult for your spine's nerve endings in that region to send signals up through muscle fibers controlling movement below them while bending forward than if someone was standing upright all day long without doing anything unusual such as sitting down at desk jobs where people spend lots time looking

How physical therapy helps

We work with you and your physician to create a program that improves mobility in other spinal areas, and strengthens key muscles around the spine while educating you on proper techniques for maintaining stability.

If you're suffering from hip problems, poor balance, or radiating symptoms to your legs then physical therapy can help. We will treat the root cause of these issues and get back feeling great quickly with minimal discomfort! In addition, if surgery is required our team will be there every step along the way so that everything goes smoothly in preparation for an easy recovery.

Degenerative Diseases

The spine is a series of joints that allow for movement between each segment. When these connections wear down due to age or genetics, it can lead to suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) or Joint Derangement Syndrome(JDS). Patients typically experience stiffening spinal cords as well as an increase in inflammation because there's no space left where excess pressure should be going after chronic pain becomes too much.

How physical therapy helps

Regular physical therapy is the key to a full recovery from back pain. The degenerative process cannot be reversed but with proper care and treatment, you can live an active lifestyle again! Call today for more information on how our team of experts may assist your needs as we work together towards getting better faster by providing non-invasive solutions that improve spinal flexibility, core muscle strength & posture while reducing inflammation in order to help return to normal activities or modified versions if necessary so please don't hesitate to reach out because every minute counts when it comes down this kind stuff

Compression Fractures

The low back is a complex region of the human body that contains many important muscles and bones. Compression fractures can occur in this area, especially when an older person suffers from osteoporosis or has been involved with severe trauma such as through an accident In some cases though there are minimally invasive surgical procedures today that help stabilize these broken areas like kyphoplasty

How physical therapy helps

We have the know-how to help you get back on your feet again! Our physical therapists will work with doctors' protocols for compression fractures, based on individual difficulties. We’ll gently rehabilitate spinal movement and strength so that patients can experience less pain in their everyday lives while improving mobility - all within a few short weeks or months at most thanks to our experienced team of professionals who are here 24/7 waiting just one call away if needed All Hands On Physical Therapy provides quick relief.

Post-surgery Rehab

Low back pain is a very common problem and many people turn to surgery when their symptoms do not respond well. Discectomies, laminectomies, or even spinal fusion can help relieve the pressure on exiting nerves by removing any broken bones that may be pressing against them; however bringing stability in this area becomes crucial too because without it you risk permanently damaging your nervous system - which would make life worse than before! You should discuss conservative treatments first such as physical therapy if need be before going through major procedures like these.

How physical therapy helps

Physical therapy is an essential part of your recovery after back surgery. We work closely with your physician to ensure that we follow the surgical protocols for you not only to feel relief from pain but also to learn how best to protect this vulnerable area while healing occurs so there are no long-term problems or complications in future surgeries.

The goal of back surgery is to heal you as quickly and efficiently as possible so that your spine can be protected during recovery. We use exercises along with specific stabilization techniques for the core muscles to reduce pain, protect our patients' spines from further harm while they recover--and help them get back on their feet again! Call us today before or after spinal surgery, we can help!